
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Meet bizzaro Rukaya

I am really enjoying my life. Honestly for the most part I always have. Even the bullshit seem funny to me. I have no regrets which sometimes seems arrogant to me but wtf. Its my life. I love to have a good time. I am a risk-taker in my personal life I like the thrill and freedom of my life. I am all out there in your face screaming whooo hooo! and loving it. I don't understand complacency. I am annoyed by boredom. SO I rarely get boredom. I love to go go go! I want to see the world and show my children the adventure of life. When I die I do not want to say" I wish I would have..." why? Meet bizzaro Rukaya: She is very laid back and quiet. She observes and listens to the winds. As extroveted and Rukaya is Bizzaro Rukaya is introverted. Bizzaro Rukaya is too serious. She is down right a snore! She is mean, bitchy and perfers to be alone.Bizzaro Rukaya plays it safe while Rukaya watches in angst. Do we all have inner opposites? I find that I am so true to myself it makes me a bit looney.

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