
Saturday, June 24, 2006

Are You Monogamously Challenged?

We will discuss the challenge of monogamy all next week. I would like to begin the subject with the topic of cheating. Is it natural for human beings to mate for life? Do you feel that there is ONE person out there for people, i.e. a soul mate or are there potentially many "loves of a lifetime?" I recently read a study that said more and more women were "cheating." Why do you think that is? Have you ever strayed? Why or why not? If your spouse/partner cheated would it end the relationship? Do you think men and women cheat for different reasons? How diffucult is it for you to be faithful? These are some of the question we will try and discuss the week of the 24th. I hope to hear from all of you. Please remember to be respectful... this is a touchy subject and emotion can get high however, I must ask that you dont not use profanity, gender specific epithets,or anything hateful. Peace, Love, and Understanding is our Motto


AmberB said...

I think woman cheat because they are not getting enough attention at home. If her man is not telling her that she is attractive anymore thdn she finds someone that will tell her. She may feel as if she is not being appreciated or many other emotional feelings. I can not fully understand why men think. I think that some men learn from their fathers. They think that it is ok.I think that some men do it because they are not in love to begin with. The partner is simply there for convience.
I think that many relationships break up over cheating. I also think that the many relationships that last many years after continous cheating are the people that grew up that way. Have you ever seen a family that the husband cheats on the wife. The wife knows, complains, and continues to stay there. Then you see her daugter grow up and end up in the same type of relationship. We are molding our children even when we don't think we are.

Queen Rukaya said...

That's interesting. Children do model theier parents even if they do not realize it. Cheating is very hurtful in a marriage regradless of the length of time the relationship. I do know couples that have manage to ov ercome such obstacle and stay together. I agree that men and women normally cheat for different reason. However I feel that sometimes its just greed or lust that compels it. If your partner cheated would you be more upset about an affair or a one night stand? Does it matter? Is it true once a cheater alwayes a cheater?

Anonymous said...

It's hard not to cheat. It's been pounded in man head all his life. "get all the
women you can". Then if you good to yo woman,lots of women try to get wit u.
It's not too many men that can turn that Down


Queen Rukaya said...

I can understand what you are saying. But don't you think your"good woman" deserves you respect. Turning down what you only lust for shouldnt be that difficult. After all is the other woman really worth losing your partner over? Perhaps those "many woman" only want to what they can not have. And you woulndt want to be with a woman that disrepects you and your partner by trying to get with you. Ultimately is your decision who you think deserves you love. Sharing your body with whoever wants it make you less valuable.

Queen Rukaya said...

So DJ are you monogomusly challenged?

AmberB said...

I don't believe that once you are a cheater you will always be a cheater. Well in some ways.. I think once you cheat in a realtionship than you will continue. But if that relationship ends and you start another one (down the road), not always will your bad habits follow.
I think that men are brought up to think "the more the better". But I think that some of these men fail to relise that if you weren't out "trying" to get some from this and that girl, you "could" be getting some every night by your real girl. Look at some of the single men. They out everyday with the same prowl "gotta get me some". Their odds are not with them. But you take man than has a female that he respects and treats like she is his queen........that is the man that has the best odds of getting some. More than likely it will be better too. She knows the man and knows what he likes. You can't learn that soley off a one night stand.

Anonymous said...

Sometime I get so lonely. I feel all by I am surrounded by many. Why is this?